Howdy, everyone. In this post, we will cover what is Cyberbullying? What to do if bullied, precautions. Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as online bullying.

It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has advanced.

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile phones. It is repeated behavior, aimed at scaring, angering, or shaming those who are targeted. Examples include:

  • spreading lies about or posting humiliating photographs of somebody via online media
  • sending harmful messages or dangers by means of informing stages
  • mimicking somebody and sending mean messages to others for their benefit.

Up close and personal harassing and cyberbullying can regularly occur close by one another. Yet, cyberbullying leaves a computerized impression – a record that can demonstrate value and give proof to help stop the maltreatment.

What to do if Cyberbullied?

1) Tell a person you trust in the event that you are being cyberbullied

2) Don’t react or fight back to harassing messages – it could compound the situation

3) Block people who send you terrible messages

4) Save oppressive messages (or messages) you get

5) Make a note of dates and times you get tormenting messages, just as subtleties you have of the client’s ID and the URL.

6) Don’t pass on any cyberbullying recordings or messages – this is cyberbullying

7) If you are harassed consistently change your client ID, or profile, and utilize a name that doesn’t part with any data about you

8) You can talk to someone at Bully Protection Hot Line or get online safety advice on govt. website.

Precautions to prevent Cyberbullying

  • Try not to be a cyberbully: recollect the expression your folks imparted in you as a child “treat others as you need to be dealt with”. On the off chance that you are mean to others on the web, it fortifies that that sort of conduct is adequate.
  • Bring issues to light: Bring attention to cyberbullying whether it be through development, a club an occasion, or mission. Information is power.
  • Instruct yourself: To forestall it from happening you should see precisely what it is. Examination of what establishes cyberbullying, how and where it happens, and talk with your companions about what they are seeing and encountering.

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