Almost 50% of the world’s population is a vagina owner. However, even though there are a lot of people with a vagina, talking about anything about these private parts is still a taboo. Because of this, you have to search for everything on google. Here are 7 important facts about your vagina that you should know about.

7 Facts about your vagina you should know about

The vagina and vulva are different

I have met a lot of people, even vagina owners who use vagina as an umbrella term for everything down south. Vulva is the correct term for all of the external genitalia, which comprises of the mons pubis (pubic mound), the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, the external openings of the urethra, and the vagina. The vagina is actually the passage that goes from the opening of the vulva, up to the cervix of the uterus. It is where the period blood comes from.

female reproductive system

Your vagina can maintain its own pH

The vagina has its own microbiome. Meaning, it has a lot of bacteria of its own to maintain the healthy ecosystem of the vagina. The vaginal pH is approx. 3.8 to 4.5. However, a lot of feminine hygiene products, like washes, market themselves claiming that they can keep the pH of the vagina in check. However, what they do not tell you is that for a fact, your vagina can maintain its own pH. Therefore, you shouldn’t use these products unless your doctor asks you to.

Also, you do not need to make extra efforts, like douching, to clean your vagina. What you’re actually doing is severely disrupting its microbiome. This makes you susceptible to a lot many diseases and infections.

You should let it breathe

woman with hand on genitalia

Knowledge is said to be like underwear, having it is a good thing but you shouldn’t show it off. Here, we are referring to knowledge about your underwear!
Your vagina literally needs to breathe. It is preferable to use cotton underwear that is not too tight (or too loose either). Letting some airflow into your private parts down there is essential to maintain good health.

Also, read 7 Tips about maintaining good menstrual hygiene for your period

It is very resilient

The vagina is made up of very elastic muscles. Hence, it can stretch out and go back to being almost as good as new. However, at times, usually after childbirth, some individuals may feel like their vagina had lost the elasticity or has stretched out. To overcome this, you can tone it up by following some simple exercises. However, if you think those do not work for you, you should consult your doctor.

There is no such thing as “popping the cherry”

For years, toxic patriarchy has made women believe the idea that an intact hymen is a measure of a woman’s virginity. The whole idea of virginity is very much flawed, but here, we are talking about biological facts.

The hymen is falsely believed to cover the entire vaginal opening, but in reality, it is a “partial” covering. The hymen is a flexible mucosal tissue and some people are even born without it. It is flexible and can even stretch instead of rupturing, thus explaining the absence of bleeding. Therefore, the hymen is not an accurate indication of virginity.

If you liked 7 Facts about your vagina that you should know about, also read Top 7 myths about menstruation that will blow your mind! Also, to keep up with the latest posts, connect with us on Instagram


Savneet is a passionate blogger, who has been in the field of Biology for the past 5 years, she is continuously writing about new topics for the betterment of society. Her mission is to help young and emerging adults to make well-informed decisions for their lives and help through those foundational years of life.